
Self Assesment Of Blog Work

AO1 - demonstrate knowledge and application of the Key Concepts employed within Media Studies and the evaluation of texts and ideas using the Key Concepts:

I feel this is an objective which helped me during yr 12 and i can use the technique fairly well. I feel it is a weakness in some areas when it comes to applying concept flow paragraph because i find i find it hard to sometimes link back from one thing to another. I have applied this technique to my independent study when analysing clips from the movie and trailer. The main key concepts my text focuses on is Representation. The representation of youths so it falls into ideologies and values as well as narrative to describe the movies background information. I feel i can explain use representation and narrative as good flowing paragraphs yet struggle to use the ideology concept accurately in my text. This is an area i have to focus around, to get the concept flow accurate as it is widely based around the exam.

AO2 - demonstrate knowledge and application of the wider contexts (historical, social, political, economic) relevant to Media Studies:

I have not applied SHEP to y text yet although considering how my independent study is based on a true story, there will be a lot of background information i can get on all areas of SHEP. i will speak more about how the freedom writers at the time were i can focus on Historical (Rodney king a.k.a the Los Angeles riot - 1992) Social (effects on society).
Although i have not yet applied these to my texti will definitely do it some time son because it will help me in the exam as it is an important area to know. I can also relate back to how times have changed also, Old movies compared to new movies etc.

AO5 - demonstrate the ability to use appropriate investigative and research techniques in carrying out an independent study of a media text, topic or issue:

I feel very confident in this area as i feel i have carried out a lot of research that will be useful for my independent study and will relate back to my text. Not only this, but i can apply this in my final essay. I have various different types of research from book research to Internet resources and movie reviews etc.
I feel i have a good question and I will be able to justify it when writing my final draft. As i m talking about representations and stereotypes as well as ethnic minorities, when all combined as one it will all flow together.

SYNOPTIC ABILTY- draw together understanding of Key Concepts, from different parts of the specification in order to make effective textual readings-draw upon knowledge and application of a wide range of possible relevant contexts, in order to account for the characteristics of media texts:

I have liked my study to med 2 last year as i will obviously talk about narrative and audience theories in the final concept flow essay. As well as this i have applied the usage of different theorists which would apply to my text. Values and Ideologies is an area of which i am very weak at and as well as this i have looked at different media guardian stories. There was a story which spoke about gun crime and a young boy which would help me apply this to my independent study showing how times have changed over the different periods.

CRITICAL AUTONOMY - apply critical ideas and principles to new situations – and demonstrate media literacy in responses to media texts:

As this text is based on a true story i am very keen and interested to find out as many information as possible. I have looked at different information from factual to actually analysing specific scenes in detail so that i can get used to the concept flow technique and i do not find it as difficult. I am working well on my independant study and because it is a text that i have chosen my self means that i am obviously doing my work on something that i enjoy and am interested in so it will make it a lot easier for the final piece.

QUALITY OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATION-select and use forms and styles of writing appropriate to purpose and complex subject matter- organise relevant information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate-ensure text is legible, and spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate, so that meaning is clear:

I feel that my work all meets the media terms. I could perhaps add the usage of ore media terminology and explain and justify why i have chosen to do what (e.g - why including some types of research) i feel my work is presented well, but i should go over my spelling as i usually never consider writing Formally when on my blog!!

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