
Easter Work!!

Outline Recent Significant Developments In One Genre Of Your Choice. Illustrate Your Answer With Examples.
(June 2003, a)

Introduce my Essay, explain how the genre i will focus upon is the Slasher Genre. Introduce a list of films i will talk about. (film club)
Para 1 = talk about genre in general. Genre is not fixed. Its dynamic and changes over time. Mention Zeitgeist and explain the first text, Psycho (1960)
Para 2= talk about the way genre has started to develop. The different changes in technology are starting to take place as well as society having an impact (TCM – Petrol finishing at station)
Para 3= Audience reaction to slasher genre. How so much has changed since first movie and the different changes in society. More appearances of Final girl and women having more screen time.
Para 4, list of films compared to Psycho. How genre has developed since the very first Psycho. How the slashers become more engaging with audience and summarise the different effect on the audience.
Para 5= Talk about the way the different franchises have started which have been a result of the slasher genre. It repeats and repeats until something new is introduced and then repeats again. Institutional approach.
Conclusion = summarise each para and say how the slasher genre consistently brings its audiences adapted elements of past movies. Talk about the most well known movies and the institutions behind them. How genre will continue to change.

"Genres Must Adapt In Order To Survive." Discuss. (June 04 b)

Introduction= a brief introduction to introduce the genre I will specifically refer to. It will be slasher as I have studied this over the past term in depth.

Para 1= Explain how genre changes over time reflecting the zeitgiest based on the changes in society as well as the technoloy changes in society as well.

Para2= Explain the before and after theory, Rick Altman. Similarities and differences between the Slasher genres different movies. TCM old and new.

Para 3= genre must adapt to changes because of the audience expectations + changes in censorship and institutions. Elaborate.

Para 4= How the representation of characters has changed overtime, therefore genre has to adapt diferent character roles into its texts. E.g, 'Teens have become diffrentiated.'

Conclusion = Sum up all of the paragraphs and make a statment for the fact that genre must adapt anbd explain why usinmg textual refrences to the slasher genre texts.

Compare Two Examples, From Different Decades, Of Any Media Genre Of Your Choice. Describe And Account For The Major Differences And Similarities Between Them.
(Specimen Question, 2000 b)

Introduce my essay, and talk about the slasher genre and explain how this is the genre i will focus upon.

Para 1= I would talk about Psycho as it is believed to be the 'Grandaddy of the slasher genre' Explain how the changes in society have given women such a large on screen role.

Para 2= Use migrain to discuss Psycho and comparative text 'Switchblade Romance' I will compare the differences in time, technology and how the genre has developed.

Para 3=Show similarities like, final girl, blood, murder connotations etc, and compare to differences in technology of black and white, colour.

Para 4= Say how change is because of the Zeitgiest andhow it is a result of the fact that genre has changed over time.

Para 5=The effect the movies had on the audience when they were released. Psycho was popular and had strict viewing time. How switchblade romance differs etc.

Conclusion= outlining similarities and differences. Explain the reasoon for the huge change.

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