
Unit 1 – Introducing Genre:

I learnt how..“Genres are not fixed”
This is important to remember because genre or groups are not fixed definitions as they change over time.

As well as this..“Genre is a critical tool”
This is essential due to the fact that genre is seen as a concept which is used to analyse the films/filmmaking and audiences response to a film.

Finally..“commentators, actors and directors, refer to a films genre”
This point is important to remember as genre is constantly referred back to by people associated with a film text which falls under a certain group.

Overall, this unit has helped me to understand how genres are not fixed and that they do change over time. As well as this I have also learnt how genre is a critical tool and is always used to analyse responses to a text. To finish I also recognise the importance of how different genre texts are also assessed by people in their different media roles.

Unit 2 – Genre classification:

I have learnt about the “Hybrid genre”

This genre term is used to describe a genre and the different types of categories it may fall under, so a mixed genre. For instance a movie likes ‘Charlie’s angels’ would fall under the action-comedy hybrid genre, as it is a mix of both.

I also learnt..“Most modern, big-budget films do not fit into one category.”
This is usually because the movies have elements of other movie genres, so for instance a movie like ‘Prom night’ which is a thriller, could also be mistakably be seen as a romantic thriller, all because the movie focuses on the love life of the protagonist etc.

Finally..“Genre is dynamic, and many theorists refer to the repertoire of elements”
This means how like genre changes overtime, as it is not fixed, the iconic images also change overtime. The different characteristics of a particular genre are acknowledged through the iconography, style, setting, narrative, characters, themes and audience response.

Overall, this unit has helped me to understand how genres fall into different categories called ‘hybrid.’ Many of the big-budget movies use the hybrid genre approach to a movie as they contain elements of different genres, which means that as genre is dynamic the repertoire of element characteristics are assessed.

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