
A Nightmare on Elm Street...

A Nightmare On Elm Street Franchise
* It is an American Horror Franchise
* This franchise began with the film series, created by Wes Craven
* The franchise consists of 8 Slasher movies, a television show, novels, and comic books
* The movie lead to the franchise being formed
* The franchise focuses upon main fictional character of Freddy Kruger.
* Freddy Kruger was first introduced in 'A Nightmare on Elm Street(1984)'
* A series of sequels were produced by the independent film compay 'New Line Cinema'
* Compared to other American horror film series, A Nightmare on Elm Street is the third highest grossing franchise
* Further Nightmare Movie is reproted to be released in 'April 2010'

Wes Cravens New Nightmare Part 1

The beginning of the movie almost seems as if it will not contain the elements of the horror fiml genre and follow the hother. Hoever a few minutes into the film and when the robotic hand starts hurting people in the dream and heather awakes noticing how chase has been cut in exactly the same place as he was in his dream. This then enhaces how the movie will be similar to the previous Nightmare on Elm Street movies because it follows the typical convention of the movie characters being hurt in their dreams and then awakening to find themselves hurt on reality.

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