
Halloween U.K

Things that will be kept the same:

Media Language - Camera Shot: P.O.V Shot through the mask. This camera trick is great to keep the audience in suspense.

Iconography - Knife: murder weapon, it is the classic prop used in the slasher genre, originally forming from 'Psycho.'

Audience - Same as before, as in age group etc.

Audience movie effect - Visceral, as before.

Setting - same type of house with the dead bodies inside.

Things that will change: The new movie should include:

Media Language - The killer (Michael) should be focussed upon more clearly how he has gone to an institution as this is not made clear in the original movie.

Setting: although it has become an element for the scary movies to be set in a deserted area, so will this. the only thing that will change will be, how, it will move to a country side and not a town based area. The area will have houses that are around the corner from each other, so alot of extra space..for michael to torment the characters!!!!

Murder weapon: perhaps introduce the weapon as a popular prop michael would be famous for using.

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